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Site visit to Stargard assembly unit - gradually improving efficiency


Cargotec IR organised in September a site visit for analysts and investors to Hiab’s and Kalmar’s sites in Stargard, Poland, where their main assembly units are located.

The purpose of the event was to offer analysts and investors an opportunity to meet with our local business leads and gain a better understanding of our production facilities in Poland. In total 13 investors and analysts participated in the visit.

The visit involved presentations given by the local managers, Q&A sessions and a field tour of the assembly facilities. In addition to providing an overview of our Stargard operations, the presentations covered the importance of gradually improving efficiency and the role of supply chain in a globally competitive market.

The visit was highly appreciated by the audience. According to the feedback the analysts and investors gained a lot of insight to the operations and local ambitions as well as a good view of future development needs and actions taken in order to improve efficiency in Stargard. Key questions were related to the ability to adjust operations if volumes change, possibilities to keep key personnel, further efficiency improvement possibilities and co-operation between Hiab and Kalmar units.

Image: IR site visit to Stargard Poland

Kalmar presentators at Stargard were Adam Ryniak, VP, Operations, Pawel Piechowiak, Director of Kalmar MAU, and Claudio Strobl, VP, E2E Supply Chain. From Hiab presented Rafal Bienias-Gebski, Director Supply Chain Stargard. In the presentations it was noted that the efficiency at Stargard is gradually improving, and that the production has increased yearly. Both Kalmar and Hiab performers stressed that focus is continuously in delivering better performance, quality, delivery improvements, and - most importantly - keeping safety always first.

We would like to thank all the participants of the visit and hope that the visit offered useful and updated information about our performance and facilities in Stargard.

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