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Press Release

Cargotec Pro Forma Review January-December 2005


  • Orders received totaled EUR 2,385 (1-12/2004: 2,337) million. During the
    fourth quarter, orders received totaled EUR 590 (10-12/2004: 610) million.
  • The order book on December 31, 2005 totaled EUR 1,257 (December 31, 2004:
    1,219) million.
  • Net sales grew by 24 percent and amounted to EUR 2,358 (1-12/2004: 1,900)
    million. Net sales in the fourth quarter amounted to EUR 621 (10-12/2004: 551)
  • Operating income was EUR 194.8 (1-12/2004: 123.9) million. Excluding the
    capital gain on Consolis, operating income grew to EUR 179.4 million of which
    the fourth quarter represented EUR 53.1 (10-12/2004: 38.9) million.
  • Cash flow from operating activities before financial items and taxes
    totaled EUR 194.1 (1-12/2004: 157.5) million.
  • Net income for the reporting period amounted to EUR 136.6 (1-12/2004:
    78.1) million.
  • Earnings per share were EUR 2.11 (1-12/2004: 1.20).
    Cargotec Corporation has been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since June
    1, 2005. In this pro forma review Cargotec's January-December 2005 result is
    presented based on the business and corporate structure following the demerger
    of Kone Corporation. Comparative figures for 2004 have been calculated based on
    the same structure to facilitate the financial evaluation of the Company. Hence,
    MacGREGOR's marine cargo flow business is included in the pro forma figures of
    the comparison period. Cargotec Corporation has issued a Financial Statements
    Review on January 31, 2006 for its financial year June 1-December 31, 2005. As
    of January 1, 2006, Cargotec's financial year is the calendar year.
    Cargotec's President and CEO Carl-Gustaf Bergström:
    "We are very satisfied with our development in 2005. It was an excellent
    achievement from the whole organization. The fourth quarter became the best
    quarter of the year both in terms of net sales and operating margin. The market
    situation was strong throughout the year and this has continued also in
    January", states Cargotec's President and CEO Carl-Gustaf Bergström.
    The full report including tables can be downloaded from the enclosed link.


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