Proven design leads US operator to order another Siwertell coal unloader from MacGREGORPress release 3 April, 2009 Having operated a Siwertell coal unloader for over 25 years, a US power company knew that it wanted another one when the time came to replace the original unit Through a competitive bidding process, Cargotec MacGREGOR has secured a Siwertell ST-790 D coal unloader order from American power company Public Service of New Hampshire Schiller Stations located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. MacGREGOR has unrivalled experience in developing marine cargo handling and offshore load-handling solutions, and is part of Cargotec Corporation, the world's leading provider of cargo handling solutions used in local transportation, terminals, ports, distribution centres, and ships. Jonas Fack, sales director for Bulk Terminals says that: More than 25 years experience with its first Siwertell unloader, along with MacGREGOR environmentally-friendly unloading systems, were major reasons for this client contacting us. This new unloader is replacing the utility partnership first Siwertell coal unloader which was delivered in 1983 and was designed for smaller vessels. MacGREGOR has considerable experience in coal unloading with continuous screw technology. The advantages of using this type of Siwertell coal unloader are its reliability, and capability of achieving high capacities with no dust emissions and no spillage in its surroundings. The order was received in December 2008, and work is now well underway for the manufacture of the new 1,200t/h-capacity unit. It is designed to discharge 45,000 dwt bulk carriers and is planned for final delivery in mid-2010. [ends] ![]() Caption: Good experience from the first unloader, along with MacGREGOR's environmentally-friendly unloading systems leads to a new order For further information please contact: Jonas Fack, sales director, Bulk Terminals Tel. +46 42 858 05 E-mail: or MacGREGOR press office: Steve Labdon, MacGREGOR Media Representative Tel: +44 (0)20 8370 1740 Fax: +44 (0)20 8364 1331 E-mail: ![]() |