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Trade Press Release

MacGREGOR supplies cargo access solutions for new Dover- Calais duo


MacGREGOR strengthens its local presence portfolio

With the acquisition of Platform Crane Service Inc (PCS), MacGREGOR has moved closer to more of its customers and can now offer enhanced services to offshore businesses based in the Americas and Gulf of Mexico region Through the acquisition of privately-owned US service company Platform Crane Service Inc in April this year, Cargotec Corporation MacGREGOR Group further strengthened its offshore portfolio and increased its presence in the important Americas and Gulf of Mexico area. MacGREGOR has already established services to be close to offshore customers in two other key regions, the North Sea and Asia Pacific, and the PCS-agreement built on its strategy to have facilities located near customers wherever in the world they are.

With a leading position in the supply of innovative load-handling solutions for the marine and offshore industries, MacGREGOR offers a range of solutions for installation on offshore vessels and rigs. These include Hydramarine cranes and subsea load-handling solutions, with and without active heave-compensation (AHC) systems, Hydramarine rescue davit systems and A-frames. MacGREGOR also supplies a broad range of Plimsoll winch systems for offshore operations such as anchor handling, mooring and a long list of other applications, as well as Nordstrs bulk-handling systems for offshore supply vessels.

MacGREGOR-PCS service capabilities now complement this broad portfolio and provide experienced on-hand knowledge in a region where MacGREGOR previously had a limited presence. With the global recognition of MacGREGOR as the market leader in marine cargo handling solutions PCS will be able to tap on the technological expertise, market presence and extensive global service network to expand further and provide better solutions to our customers, says Ryan J Richard, president and majority shareholder of PCS. By joining the MacGREGOR team, PCS and its loyal employees will be able to grow and reach new heights than previously imagined.

For more than 20 years PCS has specialised in preventative maintenance work on hydraulic and mechanical cranes. The company has aimed to work with the customer to design a maintenance programme which meets with the customer particular needs and requirements a philosophy that MacGREGOR also applies. PCS says that its experience in performing preventative maintenance inspections required for both offshore and onshore cranes assures that equipment is maintained properly and that any downtime is minimised.

In addition to repair and maintenance specialities, the company has also developed one of the most advanced and up-to-date crane operator/rigger certification programmes in the industry. Continuously updating certifications for changing MMS, PEC, OSHA, IADC regulations, PCS has been trusted for over 20 years to qualify over a thousand people, highlights Michael Jamer, sales manager for MacGREGOR New York office.

He adds that: Also, major oil and drilling companies, including Chevron/Texaco, UNOCAL, R&B Falcon, H&P, Transocean, ENSCO, and many other independent companies trust PCS with their employee training. Training takes place either at the PCS training facility or directly at a company offshore site anywhere around the world. PCS offers many OSHA and safety training programmes as well.


Editors notes:

PCS was established in 1983 and has its headquarters in Slidell, Louisiana, and offices in Lafayette, Houston and Del Carmen, Mexico. The company net sales in 2007 were US$16 million and it employs 90 people. PCS focuses on the service, repair and maintenance of marine and offshore cranes with an emphasis on Gulf of Mexico installations. The product and service offering also includes inspections, load testing and installations.

Over the past two years MacGREGOR has acquired several companies that predominantly worked in the offshore sector including Grampian Hydraulics in 2006, and all in 2007 Hydramarine, Plimsoll, and Vestnorsk Hydraulikkservice AS (VNH). Since their acquisition, Grampian has been merged into MacGREGOR (GBR), VNH is now part of MacGREGOR (NOR), and Hydramarine and Plimsoll are now MacGREGOR Hydramarine and MacGREGOR Plimsoll. Grampian Hydraulics specialised in hydraulics and spare part service of offshore support vessels and through the purchase of VNH, MacGREGOR (NOR) gained an experienced service and turn-key system supplier to the offshore and marine industries. VNH main focus was offshore hydraulics service and products; about 60 per cent of its revenue came from service, the rest from various hydraulic turn-key projects.

Currently, Norway-based MacGREGOR Hydramarine and Singapore-based MacGREGOR Plimsoll Corporation both specialise in hydraulic and electrical deck machinery for ship owners, yards and operators in the offshore industry. MacGREGOR Hydramarine key products are large active heave-compensated cargo handling solutions for the offshore industry, while MacGREGOR Plimsoll offers a comprehensive range of winches and cranes for offshore and marine applications.


For further information please contact:
Jeff Siegel, Vice President, Sales, MacGREGOR (USA) Inc.
Tel: +1 973 285-7874


MacGREGOR Group press office:
Steve Labdon, MacGREGOR Group Media Representative
Tel: +44 (0)20 8370 1740 Fax: +44 (0)20 8364 1331

The MacGREGOR Group
MacGREGOR Group is the global market leader in engineering and service solutions for the maritime transportation and offshore industries. Ship owners, ship and port operators and shipyards in the commercial marine and offshore industries are our customers. Products include hatch covers, cranes, equipment for RoRo ships and ports, and solutions for cargo lashing, bulk handling, offshore load-handling and naval logistics. We also provide worldwide service and support.

MacGREGOR's 2007 net sales totalled EUR 748 million. MacGREGOR employed 2223 people at the end of December 2007. The Group operates in 50 major shipping and shipbuilding countries and its service network consists of approximately 60 service stations. Visit our website at

MacGREGOR is part of Cargotec Corporation, the world's leading provider of cargo handling solutions, which are used in local transportation, terminals, ports, distribution centres, and ships. Cargotec's sales exceed EUR 3 billion and the company employs approximately 12,000 people. Cargotec's class B shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

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