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New bulk carrier crane raises the standard

A new 30-tonne MacGREGOR-Hgglunds bulk crane sets new standards in specification, performance and reliability, incorporating many features based on experience and continuous product development

A new generation of cranes purpose-designed for bulk carriers of up to 60,000 dwt has been introduced by MacGREGOR Cranes, extending its product range into a fiercely competitive market sector. The MacGREGOR-Hgglunds GLB-2 bulk crane is a two-wire model with a maximum hoisting capacity of 30 tonnes, and is available with a range of jib lengths from 18m to 30m. Optional equipment includes electro-hydraulic motor grabs of any type to handle all kinds of bulk cargo.

The new crane incorporates proven features from existing MacGREGOR-Hgglunds crane types, but also benefits from new design techniques and component philosophy to significantly improve operating cost.

The GLB-2 introduces a new standard in bulk handling cranes by offering many advantages over competing designs. The design was developed in close consultation with leading shipowners and shipyards, and was subject to an extensive QFD (quality, function and deployment) analysis before entering production.

At the heart of the design are three independent closed-loop hydraulic systems for reliable and independent luffing, slewing and hoisting operations. These systems are controlled by MacGREGOR Cranes market-leading CC2000 computer-based control system. This ensures better operational control with optimum performance, reliability and ease of maintenance.

Proven features

The new crane follows an established modular design philosophy, with all machinery weather protected within a spacious crane-house. This allows easy access for maintenance, survey and ease of future service. The jib is of box-girder construction manufactured from standard steel for ease of repair if damaged.

An innovative feature is the incorporation of the slip ring inside the crane-house. This facilitates ease of installation in the shipyard. It is no longer necessary to fit the slip ring on the pedestal and then mount the crane. The slip ring is fitted and fully tested in the crane factory, and the shipyard only has to bolt the crane to the fabricated pedestal from within the foundation no staging is required around the pedestal. Greasing of the slewing ring is also done from inside the pedestal.

Complementing the new crane is a new ergonomically designed driver cabin with a tilted-front window for excellent visibility. Joystick controls ensure superior crane control with the minimum of operator effort, and driver comfort is ensured by the provision of electric windscreen wiper, heater and ventilation controls. Access to the cabin is through the pedestal and crane-house for improved safety, and is fully approved by AMSA and other requirements.

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