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On 27 April 2023, Cargotec's Bopard of Directors decided to investigate and initiate a process to potentially separate its core businesses Kalmar and Hiab into two standalone companies. On 30 May 2024, Cargotec's Annual General Meeting resolved on the partial demerger of Cargotec Corporation in accordance with the demerger plan. On 30 June 2024, the completion of the partial demerger of Cargotec Corporation was registered with the Finnish Trade Register. Read more

Cargotec’s President and CEO Casimir Lindholm in Cargotec's interim report January–March 2024: Fifth consecutive quarter with good results, demerger progressing according to the plan (30 April 2024)

Casimir Lindholm, President and CEO of Cargotec

The first quarter of 2024 provided a strong start for the year. Hiab, Kalmar and MacGregor all improved their comparable operating profit margins. All businesses combined our comparable operating profit amounted to EUR 137 million, and we delivered the best first quarter in Cargotec’s history. This was the fifth consecutive quarter with good results, despite complex business environment. Solid execution continued across business areas and the results were also supported by cost saving actions we launched in October last year. The actions are now to a large extent implemented and we foresee EUR 60 million annual savings for Cargotec in total in 2024 instead of the original estimate of EUR 50 million.

In Kalmar, strong profitability continued and demand was stable for the third quarter in a row. Kalmar’s orders received amounted to EUR 402 million. Demand for mobile equipment used in industrial operations and small- and mid-sized terminals remained good and we continue to see delayed decision making in larger orders and destocking in the distribution customer segment. Kalmar’s sales declined by 10 percent from the previous year and amounted to EUR 439 million, impacted by lower order intake in the second half of last year. However, Kalmar’s comparable operating profit margin increased to 13.5 percent as cost saving actions announced in October last year offset the decline in sales. Kalmar’s comparable operating profit amounted to EUR 59 million.

In Hiab, the quarter was the sixth quarter in a row with a stable level of demand and orders received amounted to EUR 386 million. Hiab’s sales decreased slightly to EUR 415 million while service sales continued to grow. Despite lower sales, Hiab’s comparable operating profit increased by 12 percent and amounted to EUR 69 million, corresponding 16.6 percent of sales, driven by successful management of inflationary pressures and tight cost control.

MacGregor’s merchant and services businesses continued to perform well. Orders received increased by 29 percent to EUR 267 million. Orders included a sizable order with a value of almost EUR 50 million. MacGregor’s order book continued to increase and now exceeds EUR 1 billion. MacGregor’s sales increased by 29 percent to EUR 203 million, driven by increased deliveries to merchant vessels, leading the comparable operating profit to improve to EUR 12 million, representing 6.0 percent of sales.

MacGregor’s core businesses merchant and services performed well and, excluding the offshore business, MacGregor's comparable operating profit margin in the first quarter would have been around 11 percent. However, we still have challenges in approximately 10 loss making offshore pilot projects containing advanced technologies. In addition, MacGregor has an ongoing dispute related to one monopile installation vessel project. We have not been committing to any new pilot projects in the past quarters and we have been executing a restructuring programme to turn around the offshore business. At the end of the first quarter, MacGregor's offshore equipment related order book has been reduced to EUR 87 (134) million.

All segments combined, we generated a strong operative cash flow of EUR 174 million, leading to a reduction of our net debt to EUR 57 million. Hence, our gearing is only 3 percent, giving an excellent foundation for our businesses in their planned standalone future.

The planned separation of our core businesses Kalmar and Hiab into two world-leading standalone companies is progressing according to the plan, and we are expecting to reach major milestones this year. The completion date of the demerger is expected to be 30 June 2024. Alongside the separate listing of Kalmar, we will focus on finding a solution for MacGregor and preparing Hiab to become a standalone company.

Cargotec’s Board of Directors approved the demerger plan on 1 February. Since the approval of the plan, we have proceeded steadily. On the first day of April, Sami Niiranen started as President of Kalmar. We have also published notice to our Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 May where the formal decision on the transaction will be taken. Certain shareholders, representing approximately 41 percent of the shares and approximately 75 percent of the votes in Cargotec, have already indicated their support for the proposed demerger.

The AGM will also elect both Cargotec’s and Kalmar’s Boards of Directors. There would be no overlap between the Boards of Cargotec and Kalmar. Furthermore, a Shareholders’ Nomination Board would be established for Kalmar.

Due to the high certainty of the transaction, Kalmar is reported as discontinued operations since the beginning of the year. Hence, the combined financial targets set in November 2022 for Kalmar and Hiab are no longer valid. Cargotec’s climate target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all three emission scopes by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared to a 2019 baseline remains valid. The target is validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. We plan to publish new long term performance targets for Hiab and Kalmar in May. The prospectus, which discloses more details on the standalone Kalmar, is also planned to be published in May ahead of the AGM.

Hiab’s and Kalmar’s Capital Market Days will be held on 28 and 29 May and I warmly welcome you to follow the events virtually.

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