Supplying the oil and gas platforms creates stringent require-ments with regard to efficient and reliable handling. Operations continue 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Many goods are loaded into containers or onto pallets or other load-bearers.
"The Kalmar machines suit us well," says Asgeir Klingsheim, who is in charge of mechanical equipment at NorSea. "Good service, a good working environment and a high degree of reliability, all at a reasonable price. And the drivers like driving Kalmar trucks."
Over 35 years of experience and an extensive network of compa-nies with special expertise make NorSea into the foremost pro-vider of supply and logistics services for the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
In order to flexibly and efficiently be able to meet all the varying needs arising on the platforms out in the oil fields, rational mate-rials handling is also required at NorSea's on-shore bases.
More and more since 1986
NorSea began using Kalmar trucks in 1986, and there are now ma-chines with 3 to 16 metric tons of lifting capacity. In the autumn additional machinery is being acquired in the form of a new 10-tonner and a new 16-tonner. This will make a total of twelve Kalmar trucks.
"Together with Kalmar, a special unit for handling pipes has also been developed. The new 16-tonner will also be equipped with one of these units," explains Asgeir Klingsheim.
Transportation and loading of twelve-metre pipes with dimen-sions between 4 1/2" and 13 3/8" used to be a little problematic. But for some time now a special unit has been used which makes handling both simpler and more reliable. For further information, please contact:
Mikael Rietz, Marketing Director, Industrial Systems
Tel. +46 372 261 12, mobile +36 70 566 0730 or e-mail